The Stamps Box
Ali's stamps box, embarked on its own journey from Iraq across several countries before finally reaching him in Canada. The collection had about 1,560 stamps from more than 60 different countries. Most of the stamps span from the late 1880s
The Literary Renaissance of the 1940s and 1950s in Iraq
In the 1940s Iraq witnessed a widespread of cultural movement that paralleled the national movement, transforming into an intellectual revolution across all literary, artistic, political, and social fields.
Medieval Arab Cooking
From the Arabic culinary manuscripts, we learn not only about the methods of food preparation. These texts provide insight into medieval Arab life, we have a mirror reflecting their society.
Niello Silver Tobacco Boxes
Aysar developed her interest in the centuries-old niello skills and culture of the Sabaeans/Mandaeans. At about the age of eighteen, she started her collection of their silver.
A Trip for the Ages
We arrived in Baghdad on December 19, 1988, and stayed for the most action-packed two weeks of our lives. Between visiting numerous relatives, and site seeing, there was no time to spare and rest.
Embroidered Wedding Blankets of Southern Iraq
Al-Samawah rugs are unlike any other textile tradition of the Middle East. The rugs designs are influenced by the surrounding environment of the region and its history.
Baghdad Recollections
Geoffrey Payne arrived in Baghdad in the summer of 1986. His assignment was for two visits three weeks each. He still remembers his visit and its lasting memories.
The Rise of Visual Fine Art in Iraq
Factors that contributed and influenced the continuity and development of the fine art in Iarq between 1921 and the early 1960s.
Visual Journey through the Art of Arabic Calligraphy
To visualize the changes the journey will start with the early work and end with the recent appearances.
The Boy, Baba-Jiddu and Souk Al-Safafeer
A boy remembers Baghdad of the early 1950s and the delights of its iconic market, Souk Al-Safafeer.